Saturday, November 19, 2011

Approximately 13,000 words for your reading pleasure

I'm so incredibly, insanely tired.

Gabriel has croup, which means I got ZERO sleep last night, but I DID get to bring home a cool elephant breathing mask from our early-morning stay at the hospitable IHC Instacare around the corner.

Which, in turn, means that odds are good that Jamie will soon have croup, because Gabriel, like so many others, has decided to have a "thing" this month. However, unlike you cool, hip, talented people doing NaNoWriMo, Gabriel is participating in the lesser-known SiGeShaMo (Sibling Germ Sharing Month).

So basically, I'm biding my time between sick kids. Let us pray...

In other news, I love the dollar store. Where else can five bucks get you a set of tires and a puppy? Nowhere. The dollar store rocks.

The dollar store is also responsible for the dramatic increase in ambient noise in our house. Cuz I bought a ping pong set. For a dollar. Clearly, we're dealing with high quality sporting equipment here. Which is probably for the best, as they will quickly either be lost (by one of our kidlets) or chewed to pieces (by one of our dogs. Or one of the boys. Who am I kidding? I'm a side of bacon away from living the cold weather version of Lord of the Flies.)

For your edification, here are some pictures of our mad Ping Pong skillz, as well as some important Alfred Family Ping Pong moves.  Feel free to use our moves in your next ping pong game.

The "Robyn:" to hit your opponent in the eye with the ball.  HARD.

The "Elijah:"  to play a ball that bounces off a person on the sidelines

The "Ethan:" to yell, "You've been SERVED!"  Repeatedly.

The "Meegan:"  to roll the ball down your chest before returning it.

In other news, I counted 5480 of these.  THREE FREAKING TIMES.  Because--apparently--I have poor listening comprehension.  Thank heavens Robyn and Jon took pity on me and helped out.

Five thousand four hundred and eighty.  Three times.  If I had a million dollars, I would have just GIVEN the school the 548 dollars.

Then again...if I had a million dollars, I'd buy you some art...a Picasso or a Garfunkel...


OK, moving on from the Bare Naked Ladies...I've actually been making stuff from Pinterest.  You know, in between bouts of Gabriel not breathing and family ping pong tournaments (wherein I humiliate Robyn).

When Ethan saw this (it's in his room), he ran around the house freaking out because there was something wrong with his light switch.  This from the kid we sent to Harry Potter camp.  FACEPALM!

Gabriel already stripped Frosty of his buttons.
Happy Thanksgiving!