Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas cheer...a little late

I'm Batman.

  And I have a drug problem.

Fortunately, I have the support of my cousins....
And brothers....
(who don't get too mad when I mess with their birthday presents)

And some more cousins and grandparents....

Although my mom has been somewhat useless lately, 
mostly complaining about smells and how she wishes she could just throw up already

Thank heavens for Dad, who is the only reason I have clean bottles or pajamas these days...

Dad says that eventually my teeth will come in and I'll stop drooling like a faucet and screaming in pain at two in the morning, which sounds pretty good.  In the meantime,  remember that in addition to being ridiculously cute like my brothers, I really like dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Cute boy! "Awooooooooo! Doggie!" I also like how at the end of the video YOU howl, and he nods like "Yep. Good job, Mom. That's the sound a dog makes."
