No, Elise, you aren't the last person to finish Mockingjay...that would be ME. But I will keep this spoiler-free in case Lisa isn't done yet...
I've decided I reeeeeally like Suzanne Collins. I think she has a gift for seeing things like they are and then being honest about it.
She dead-on nailed the reality of glowy-box-addicted children whose world is destroyed when the power goes out (have I mentioned I LOVE Charlie McButton? And not just because we have the EXACT. SAME. TIME OUT. CHAIR.).
I think she got pretty close to what happens to people when they are put into horrible situations (I can't say I know, because I've led a sheltered life and have always had other people to do the ugly fighting for me, for which I an grateful). Also/Unfortunately, she's got a wicked ability to portray teenage whininess/woe-is-me/lovelornitude. Which is annoying. But true to the character in question. Who is an annoying whiner.
I loved Mockingjay for all the reasons it seems to be getting slammed.
1. It doesn't have a happily ever after. Yeah, war tends to be like that, even if you win.
2. Katniss actually picked a guy. Take note, Stephanie Meyer. It is not necessary to create improbable vampire/human hybrids to tie up a lose end, just solid characterizations. And a backbone. And while I'm on this rant, if Collins had written Harry Potter, she would have killed the Weasley dad in book five, not backed down under publisher pressure. Because it proved the situation was serious, even though he did have a last name (points if you get that reference). Oh yeah! And Harry would have died, because THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DESTROY A HORCRUX! (not that I mind them both surviving; it is a kids book, after all, and kids deserve some happily ever after while they can get it).
3. There is no black and white. Only Sith deal in absolutes (and apparently Jedi...mwah ha ha ha ha). The muddled gray that the rest of us exist in is why there are good stories to be told in the first place (note the qualifier). Even the Dread Pirate Roberts wasn't all bad, and the heavens wept when Lucifer fell...
4. It was violent. THIS WAS A SURPRISE? Did the people complaining about this even READ the first two books????? It's not like they were chained to a chair and forced to read them. For the love! If the violence appalled you, put it down. Go read a fairy tale. Just not the original Grimm fairy tales...those were pretty horrific. Maybe go watch a Disney movie and complain about the subliminal messages. You know, the ones other than, "go spend an obscene amount of money on our over-priced licensed character merchandise." OK, I didn't necessarily LIKE the violence, but I liked the story, and it was necessary. Kind of like I liked the bad guys getting DESTROYED by Liam Nissan in Taken. They needed killing, and apparently I don't have a problem with vigilante justice (says the girl who freaks out when Jon parks in the Employee of the Week spot at WalMart).
Whoa...I think I'm a little toooo wrapped up in this. I think I need Elise to remind me that it's just a's not real...but holy crow can the above-mentioned authors write a story that holds your attention...
And, noticed an out of place period on page 357? You should be an English teacher! I was too busy trying to keep track of my favorite victor (hint: NOT Katniss. It starts with "fuh" and ends with "innick."). I admire your attention to detail. Now, where did I leave my baby?...
New Site
10 years ago
I think it says something about me that I didn't notice that Katniss was whiney. I'll be honest, if I was put into the situation that Katniss was, I would do some serious, ugly teenagery whining. I don't like killing people. I don't like being used. I would have WHINED my BUTT OFF if I were Katniss.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start a whiners club. I invite Katniss Everdeen, Bella Swan, Olivia Haynes, and myself to be honorary members. You aren't allowed, Meegan. Maybe Gabe can come, if he brings treats.
I like that there was no black and white in the story. It does seem like a lot of writers make their stories more realistic in that the main characters don't always win/live. Sometimes seeing the main characters lose gets boring after a while though, doesn't it? Isn't that part of why we read--to escape reality?