Sunday, September 19, 2010

The one where I look smart because I include famous pieces of art

As you all know, I entered that new age bracket yesterday.  I have to admit, this one is freaking me out much more than the last one, but that's probably because the last time I hit a notable age milestone, I was busy getting married; thus, I was freaking out about THAT much more than the value of the numeral in the tens place of my age.  I think what cinched it was when I realized that I have known Mollee for longer than I didn't, and the year of equality was around six years ago.  It also didn't help when I realized that my mom was teaching me how to drive when she was my age...she was so much younger than I realized at the time. 

Mercifully, I had some truly superb distractions to lessen the blow.  Like...

Seurat got the idea from JON.  That was us; only instead of Sunday, it was Saturday, and instead of monkeys, there were ducks.  It was a beautiful day for a picnic, even if the ducks did perplex Gabriel somewhat.   I wish I remembered to bring my camera--it was a cool park that had the next best thing to the Teacups ride outside of Disneyland...yes, I giggled like an idiot.  It was awesome.

And later....

We went to the Aggie game with Mollee and Dave, whose family really knows how to party, by the way.  Also, sneak good food into a stadium.  We're talking hot chili and buffalo wings, not just cookies.  Although there were cookies (there I go, focusing on the concessions again).  Jon made sure we were all decked out in Aggie gear--I like to wear the big "A" because it's not just my last initial, it's my grades.  Heh. Heh heh.  Heh.

While there, Dave coerced Jon into showing team spirit by throwing one of our children into the air every time the Aggies scored, and not just once...once for each point scored.  I wish I had a picture of it, but I was too busy not looking for fear that my kid would be dropped on the concrete.  Ethan, however, was a sport and reenacted the moment for me:

Ethan, the daredevil, thought it was great fun; Elijah, not so much.  He blocked it from his memory, but I think his reenactment would look more like this:

Speaking of Mollee and Dave, Mollee is a good friend, even if she DID decide a few years ago that I should collect pink flamingos and got everyone else to go along with it, resulting in several years' worth of pink flamingo gifts and one poor family consistently being targeted by the Lawn Ranger, whose calling card was an unexpected pair of flamingos on the front lawn.  Huh.  I need bring that guy back.  That was fun.  Anyways, Mollee decided that I need experience another level of classy, so she got me...


Thanks, Moll!  Now I'm ready to join another cult!  Elijah is quite thrilled to have a snuggie buddy.  The great thing about my snuggie is that not only do I NOT have to fuss about how to keep the use of my hands whilst using a blanket (HARD!), but mine is a second gen iSnuggie, and features the following design modification:

A pocket. In fact, there are TWO pockets, because everyone knows they work in pairs.
You know how exciting it is to find that forgotten twenty in the dryer?  Think of the joy when I find that cupcake I forgot about, especially if I find it while I'm at a sporting event with my fellow cult members.  It'll be like Christmas in September!  It's the gift that keeps on giving!

Except I think I'm going to go raid my stash right now...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes...and if you want to hear a funny joke, call Macey.  She's practically Brian Regan.

Peace out.


  1. Happy birthday again!

    Pink snuggie?! SWEET. You are so lucky, you don't have to figure out how to keep your blanket on while you're unwrapping your cupcakes.

    (You wanna hear a funny line from a movie that isn't that funny out of context? Call Macey.)

  2. I would keep a Chocodile in one Snuggie pocket and a chocolate milk chug in the other.

  3. I cant believe you got a snuggie for your birthday....Since only people who are morons need those and you clearly aren't a moron... You are my genius niece who helped me with my homework!!! You know I read your post about your age milestone and then I had to calculate how old you are. You do not look like your age and I keep thinking your 25. So just say that is how old you are then I will only be 38. What do ya say? Love you Meegs!!
