Not to traumatize Sylvia Plath fans, but if I die in the next few weeks, I'm pretty sure it will be because of my oven.
You'd think it would be GRATEFUL, given that I CLEANED it. But NOOOOOOOO. I'm pretty sure that, in an attempt to get back at me for NOT cleaning it for so long, it held on to some of the EZ Klene Oven Cleaner (Fresh Scent!) Chemical Blend and infused it into the Scott's Oven Pancakes (TM) I made for dinner later that day (The dinner of champions! (TM)). I worry because I SWEAR my tongue was numb after I ate the pancakes. Also, when I opened up the oven to put in the pancakes, I was hit by a wave of gaseous EZ Klene chemical molecules (Fresh Scent!). That's never a good sign.
See, this is why I never clean my oven. In fact, I decided against cleaning my microwave OVEN as well, just to be safe.
On a non-hypochondriac note, it's been a busy week in Hoth.
1. JON FINISHED HIS FINALS. This means, by extension, that Jon also finished his first year of grad school. Yay, Jon!!!!! One down, one to go...and then a few more.
2. It's teacher appreciation week, and, being a SUCKER, I volunteered to decorate some doors. After all, NOTHING says "thanks for teaching my kid for six hours every day when an hour of homework is like World War II and I was a RESOURCE teacher, for the love!!!" like bad puns and crooked lettering. Being an insanely prideful person, I have to show off the end result:
Major props to my friend, April, who is ALSO a sucker...if she hadn't taken pity on me, I'd still be at the school, blowing up balloons. (In the interest of honesty, I got the grape idea from one of about a million websites I looked at. I just can't remember which one it was. However, the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom door was ALL ME, BABY! Those are aide names where the letters should be. I know. I'm clever beyond words. Also, humble.)
3. ELIJAH WAS BAPTIZED TODAY!!!!! YAY, ELIJAH!!!!! This was Elijah on the way to his interview with the bishop. He was TERRIFIED he was going to "fail," but he did GREAT. Note the new scriptures. He's really happy about the cool snap closure. If I were him, I'd say "awwww....SNAP" every time I closed my scriptures, but I'm a dork and he isn't.
This is Jon and Elijah before the party started. Elijah is such a GREAT kid. Look how handsome he is with his new "army man" (read that: "tired stepmom meets hair clippers") haircut:
Guys, I cannot emphasize how proud of Elijah I am. He may be a kid, but he's had more opposition to this choice than most adults, and from sources that have the most influence in a kid's life. When he says he knows it something he's supposed to do and that the Holy Ghost told him it's the right choice, he means it. He didn't do this lightly or just because Jon and I wanted him to (in fact, that was one of the cons, I think). He's been a really good example to a lot of the adults around him, myself included. I have been blessed with amazing stepsons.
And last but not least, the fam.
Phew. That was a long one. See you next week, when I tell you about Ethan's science fair project. (hee hee. I made him write a grant proposal. heh. Poor kid.)
Oh. Wait. I almost forgot the baby picture:
Dharma figured out that babies are a good source of nutrition. Gabe's her new best friend.
New Site
10 years ago
Aww...Gabriel's so flipping cute! It still throws me off a little, seeing you holding a baby.
ReplyDeleteElijah is also cute. He looks like a little lawyer in his suit. What a good kid.
Your doors are really cute. Way to be involved at your kids' school. I am lame. I need to be more involved.
The end.
Nevermind. I have to add this: Cleaning ovens is the WORST.
The end, for reals.
Do you think I should use the word "cute" more than I do? I don't know if it's even possible.