Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brothers don't shake hands....brothers run around and scream

Trust me, the camera DIDN'T do justice to the level of noise they were producing.  But they were happy and, with any luck, helping Gabriel burn some energy so he'll go to bed before midnight.  Most importantly, they are proof that it's possible to have healthy and happy blended families.

Peace out!

PS--You know what's a pleasant surprise?  Turning around to yell at some weirdo lady messing with your baby in the check out line at WalMart, only to find out it was Maggie/Kat.  I have family in Logan--YAY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I miss those boys, especially the really short one. :)

    Also, your living room is very orderly and neat.

    That's fun that you ran into MaggieKat at Walmart. I run into EVERYONE at Walmart, especially if I have food on my clothes and I'm wearing holey sweats.
