Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Alfreds get their geek on

Jon took us to the museum at Hill Air Force Base today.  I'd like to say he was thinking about Gabriel and his obsession with all things airborne (he makes raspberry/engine sounds whenever he sees somethings flying), but I think I was more excited than Gabriel.  Witness:

Disclaimer:  the uber-cool fanny pack is functional.  Don't mock it!  I'm loving my brief respite from having a diaper bag.

So, under the guise of enriching the children, we went and looked at big ol' awesome aircraft.

IT.  WAS.  AWESOME.  The girl fetus doesn't stand a chance at being girly. She won't have any normal female role models around to copy.

Ethan TRIED to be nonchalant...because heaven forbid we find out he's actually enjoying himself...but I knew better.  Why else would he try to lick the weaponry?

Yeah...we're still wearing coats around here.  &!@#$&@&

Elijah figured out that if he doesn't run away when I take pictures, he's more likely to be featured on the blog.  So, today he kept telling me to take pictures of him. 

You know what's more effective than water torture?  Question torture.  It's what I call it when a nine-year-old asks the same question, verbatim, over and over again, without seeming to hear the answer, and then gets mad at you for losing your patience.

Gabriel ran around enjoying the planes, rocks, and sticks whilst making airplane noises.  It was boy toddler paradise.

All in all, I think we've found a situation wherein I might actually be compelled to squeal in a girly-type fashion.  I miss flying...


  1. Looks like good times. I have this inexplicable interest in aviation. I think it must somehow be connected to you and Dad. I think I'd like to see those planes. What an awesome place to take your boys. And Elijah does the question thing, too? Ugh! Sorry, man.

    "Normal female role model"? What is this? It's as elusive as "real America." The great thing about bearing children is that they are YOURS. They are *supposed* to be like you. I, for one, think the world needs more women who are interested in flying planes, teaching special ed., and rockin' fanny packs (even though it's 2011). This world could use another Meegan.

  2. (I love all of this extra blog commenting time that I have, now that it's summer! You should write more, now that I have freedom coming out of my ears.)
