Monday, February 22, 2010

No, Jesus is NOT a Borg!

I'm going to let you all wonder how THAT came up in conversation last night...

But first, a few random "if I had a million dollars" moments...


YES!!!!! It's the All-Edges Brownie pan.  Can life get any better?  I submit that it cannot!


GET  IT????  It's a POT holder.  hee hee.  Now, I don't condone drug use, but...COME ON.  A POT holder.   I'd use that whenever we invite people over for dinner just to see if they got the pun.  And I don't like puns, but...POT HOLDER.  hee hee.  OK, moving on...

Man, I wish I had had this when I was pregnant with Gabriel.  Oh, well--maybe next time.  And Elijah better be wrong about the timing of the next baby, because this morning he blithely said that I'd be having another baby "really soon."  That BETTER not be an example of "out of the mouths of babes."  Then again, I'd be, it's in the Lord's hands.

And last but not comes Meegan, getting her geek on...

Whilst searching for our STILL MISSING windows Office software, I found these.  Tangent:  whilst NOT finding the missing software, I did find:

  • a Davy Jones figurine that made me leap out of my skin because I thought it was a HUGE spider
  • old ticket stubs from everything we did while visiting my in-laws in Colorado TWO YEARS AGO
  • a 1 3/8 ball hitch, still in the package because we don't own anything with a ball that size
  • a game cube that hasn't been taken out of the box since we moved from the red brick house into the Big House in the fields.  Which was TWO moves ago.
NOTE TO SELF:  If we actually move across the country, I am NOT hauling that garbage with me.  And I'm still mad that I didn't find the Office software.  Snarl.  

Back to the boats, which I found in the hobbit hole. Jon and I probably spent several hundred dollars on these.  Obviously, this was back when we had disposable income.  It's a fun little game where you lay out a set of islands, hide gold, build a fleet of ships, and wage war on your competitors.  It's AWESOME.  The ships actually loose masts/cannons and you can board, pillage, and plunder to your heart's content.  Since  lately I have a lot of pent up anger (apparently), this is perfect.  Until I play Elijah...who is, believe it or not, is a worse loser than I am.  I didn't know that was possible.  But I put the ships here because I ACCIDENTALLY BEAT JON ON SATURDAY.  I say "accidentally" because I could never have planned it.  Ever.  Thus, I will NEVER forget the date.  YAY!!!!

The Jesus/Borg conversation:  it actually came up while Jon was trying to explain to Ethan (who is our Jacob 4:14 posterchild) how Jesus is God AND the know that question?  The question that's been plaguing Christian thinkers for centuries? Yeah, well Jon tried to illustrate the "one purpose" principle by reminding Ethan of how the Borg collective works.  Maaaaaaaybe not the best example.  But I have to say...hearing an exasperated Jon firmly tell Ethan that no, Jesus is NOT a Borg may be the Best.  Overheard.  Line.  Ever.

UPDATE:  remember Ethan's awesome argument against school uniforms a few days ago?  As it turns out, IT REALLY HAPPENED.  Sort of.  I emailed Ethan's teacher to share the funny story, and she told me that while showing the class how to do research to support your argument, she actually found that true story.  Ethan tweaked it a little--I guess the kid's tie got slammed into a door--not a window.  This caused the kid to slam his face into the window in the door, which broke the window and cut his face pretty badly.  Sadly, there was no choking or dying involved.  But I'm not going to say anything, because it's sure to be insensitive/inappropriate, and I used to be a special ed teacher and I should know better.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I needed a good laugh after the day I has so thank you! Next where did you get the nifty pot holder from, and where can I get that shirt? No I am not pregnant, Jeane is. You and Elise keep me laughing....I love your blogs!!!!
