Thursday, April 8, 2010

TOFUTTI! Where are you when I need you, Tofutti?

"Tofutti Kline...nine...nine..nine...."

Did you know Smiths sells a product called Tofutti?   Heh.

Back to my regularly scheduled post.

It started like this:

The time stamp on this picture is 2:38 AM.  What better way to get your baby back to sleep than flashing bright lights at him?  I think Gabe's face says it all:  "HELP!  I think I may have pushed my mom too far!  She's going CRAZY!!!!!"

Anyways, at two in the morning, I came up with a brilliant plan.  Faced with the distinct possibility of a cross-country move next summer, I decided to start the dejunking process now.  Sadly, we have an entire ROOM full of boxes that haven't been opened since we moved from the Big House to Ivins.  Which was two moves ago.  So I figure, if I do five minutes a day, it's not as daunting, right?


This was the first thing--really--that I found:

Elise's interpretation of the Church Mice, Casper, Jasper, and Pennywhistle.  In mint  condition.  Like I can throw THAT away.  (Elise, I know you drew them for Mom, who later gifted me with her Primary stuff.  If you want them, I'll bring them down in June. Just say the word.  There's even a small army of reverence mice. So far, containment is holding.  If you don't want them, I'm totally keeping them.) 

I think my major mistake was throwing away my copy of "Cut the Clutter."  Not a good sign.  Surely the universe has seen my arrogance and is rewarding me by presenting stuff like this to test my resolve:

Proof that Erin used to think of me as more than an embarrassing aunt married to a really embarrassing uncle.  Ah, pre-teenagery. Like I can throw THAT away. I may need the leverage someday.

Oh yeah.  I also found Marianne's second grade report card.  Marianne, if you don't want your report card posted for everyone to know my address.  Chocolate chip is the way to go.  To prove that I do, indeed, have a bunch of your grade school memorabilia to hang over your head:

That Bill Clinton has some killer penmanship.  Definitely a lefty.  But I digress.  Chocolate chip, or else! 

Why do I have all my sisters' stuff?  GAAAAAH!  I think the only sister whose stuff I don't have is Monna, and that's only because I gave it all back last time I was in town.

Moving on.  That was yesterday.  Today I tackled a few totes tucked away in the bathroom.  I will sum up my findings thusly:

1.  As heck hath already frozen over (it happened on March 11th, a few years ago), it is highly unlikely that it will do so again.  As a result, I threw away all of my seldom-used beauty products, as I am oh-so-unlikely to use them again.  Because really.  When's the last time any of you saw me wearing FOUNDATION????  Actually, I think it was March 11th, a few years ago.  My poor husband. 

2.  If I'm ever in a condition to need another one of those squirty cleaning bottles again, the hospital better give me another one.  I did not, however, throw out the Zofran.  One does not throw out Zofran, because that would risk encurring the wrath of sick pregnant women everywhere.  The diabetes meds, however, got TOSSED. 


  1. Casper Jasper and Pennywhistle! Deja vu! Why am I not a children's book illustrator?! I mean, just look at that PRICELESS ART! I'm feeling generous today, so I will let you keep them. (If I had them I would just drag them around with me every time I move, thinking about how much I want to throw them away and then end up feeling too guilty to actually do the deed. You know, like what YOU'RE doing with them.)

    Re: Marianne's National Award Signed By Bill Clinton--what is it with the liberals and physical health? Just today I found Michelle Obama's website to fight childhood obesity. Anyway. (I also like how Marianne's name is written in pseudo-calligraphy. They used a calligraphy pen...they're halfway there.)

    Good job de-crapping your house. I need to start doing that. I took a few boxes to the D.I. the other day and Mom just gave me a few more boxes of stuff when she moved. The universe is in balance again.

    Holy SMOKES, I think this is the longest comment I've ever made...on a blog, anyway.

  2. more thing.

    When I saw the title of your post on my blog list, I totally did the "Tofutti Kline...nine...nine...nine..." thing before I even opened up your blog. AWESOME. :)

    If I ever get a dog again (when you start to wear foundation again) I'm naming it Tofutti.

  3. (...that was two more things.)


  4. Do you have any information about Casper, Jasper Pennywhistle? My sister and I remember them, and want to find someone who knows about these three church mice. Do you have stories or anything else about them? Please contact me at I would love to hear from you. Thanks. D. LeBaron
