Thursday, April 1, 2010

Game over

My uncle Stuart sent the following in an email.  Some of you may have seen it already, but for those who haven't:

Being a girl, I can't even tell you who makes this car.  BMW?  Mercedes?  To me, it's just another car...until you see this:

I don't spy...a steering wheel.  Or pedals. 

Please, please, PLEASE tell me that this is a concept car.  You know, the ones that everyone oohs and aahs over but never actually goes into production because they are obviously ridiculous.  Please.  Because if that's the car of the future, I'm scared.  And I'm not just saying that because Mario gets suicidal and starts jumping down holes when I'm at the controls.  I'm saying that based on watching four fairly intelligent adults play Mario Cart.  Spin outs, missing turns, rear ending Bowser (which you know has to be an accident, 'cause Bowser is CRAAAAAZY) wasn't pretty.  And don't get me started on all those banana peels.

On the up side, this is a car that I would totally feel comfortable letting Ethan drive.  And that's saying something, because I don't trust him to push the cart at WalMart.  The kid's a maniac. 

Speaking of video games, lately Jon and I are addicted to a game called Plants and Zombies.  It's fun and mindless--basically, zombies are attacking your house and you have to defend yourselves with garden plants (like a pea shooter, chili peppers, etc.).  It's the only context where I find hearing the phrase "the zombies ate your braaaaaaains" funny.  Here's a screen shot:

Given that it's the ONE video game I play lately, you'd think that seeing THIS wouldn't have made me think so hard:

In case you're like me and didn't automatically get what game Elijah was playing with Gabe, look closely at Elijah's head and then go back and look at the game screen shot.

Yeah.  I know.  Elijah is AWESOME.

I spent a good ten minutes trying to figure out what the heck was going on.  It took him saying "the zombies ate your braaaaaaaaaains" while I was making the mashed potatoes to put it all together. 

In non-kid related news, I have to brag on Jon for a minute.  He presented a paper at a graduate seminar on Wednesday and WON FIRST PLACE.  Yay, Jon!  
Obligatory cute baby picture:

In my head, he's saying something like, "This is unacceptable!  Bring me another peasant!"

But his mouth isn't always slack and drooling.  Sometimes it's closed and scowling, like this:

Gabriel stole my glare!  And no, the jaundice isn't back.  I just hadn't gotten around to cleaning the carrots off his face yet.

For Ethan fans out there, there will be an Ethan-post soon...we have a joint conference weekend project that I'm sure to want to document.  Stay tuned!

And now, the king doth call.  I must fly...


  1. Elijah is awesome. (why do you guys have little traffic cones?)

    That picture of Gabriel in his throne is perfect, too. Is that his command post? Does he bark out baby orders? That's such a great picture.

  2. But I don't want your electric car with wind generator nor your malware or keylogger
