Saturday, June 26, 2010

I showered with a stormtrooper

Ethan took this at Lisa's wedding.  I love the eyes, but there must be
 something wrong with them.  They're just too big.  [snort]

I'm going to miss this while they are with
their mother for the summer.
The drama.
The emotion.
The ravioli stains on the laundry.

We must really love mustard, and lots of it.

I'm here to tell you that stormtroopers are about exactly the same color as my dirty tub.  They are especially fun to step on when, for example, you don't have your contacts in and it's early in the morning.  I complain, but next week, I'll be missing this, too.

Remember that really big hill from when you were a kid, the one you were scared to rollerskate/ride you bike down, and then when you finally did, you felt like the king of the world, and then you saw the very same hill when you were older and couldn't figure out what the fuss was about?  Here's Ethan's:

He'll see this picture when he's older and SWEAR that the water slide was bigger and steeper. 
Although, his hill is definitely steeper than mine was (which happened to be the hill on St. Andrews.  My parents probably don't even realize that street HAD a hill.  IT DID!  when I was 12)
OK, Ethan is pretty brave for that.  I wouldn't go on it.

Heard around the house...

Elijah:  Can I beat up a duck?
Jon:  Why would you want to beat up a duck?
Elijah:  What if it's 40 feet tall and all {snort, hiss, snarl, stomp}?
Jon: If you see a mutant deathduck, you can beat it up.

Ethan:  Meegan, did you know that when I'm a teenager, I'll have air in my head?
Meegan:  You mean you're going to be an airhead?

Eljah:  BFI, put your hands in the air!  I mean, FBI, put your hands in the air!

Gabriel:  click, coo, coo, click, coo, squeal, click (I think Gabriel thinks he's a member of some African tribe.)

As you were.


  1. "BFI!"=my new favorite Elijah quote.

    When do the boys leave?

  2. Thursday. They get back in early August. :-(

  3. Pardon the ignorance - what's BFI? I know I know....and what's with the congi comments _ WHO IS THAT???!!
