Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am Meegan, hear me rant!

Why my blood pressure is high today:

1. Easily excited people who schedule knee-jerk, all-day hypochondriac doctor's appointments without thinking about the people they affect. Or without rationally discussing the situation before diving into the crazy pool. Also, my husband's ex. Not that the two are related.

2. People who do the above and then never cough up their half of the bill. Ever. And sign OUR name as the responsible party. I mean, sure, we ARE the more responsible party...but SHE was the one who took him into the hospital and filled out the paperwork. The lesson I learned was...sign anyone's name on the "responsible party" line except your own. Hmmm...Bill Gates. That sounds good.

3. I think Ethan got into a fight today at school, but he won't admit it and the school doesn't have enough coherent testimony to nail any of the guilty parties. Talk about getting off on a technicality.

4. I'm trying to reduce my sugar intake to a more reasonable level. By "more reasonable level," I mean I want to eat something besides chocolate cake and scor bars. So I'm a little edgy....

Deep breath. Serenity now...

Ahhh...unicorns and rainbows...

Pssst...can you keep a secret? From our pediatrician? You can? Then....

We gave our 3 1/2-month-old son pseudo-solids. He felt like a big boy, and was exceptionally cute. And I know cute. Just don't tell Dr. Clarke, his withering stare makes me feel guilty...


  1. You shouldn't feel guilty about FEEDING your CHILD. Who is this doctor? At least it's not a turkey bone. Or Jack Daniels.

  2. I fed my children pseudo-solids when they were younger then Gabriel so don't worry. He will sleep better cause the food will last longer. BTW Gabriel is getting cuter and cuter!
