Friday, February 26, 2010

Kids backwards R Us

Gabe is just plain cute, even if he does have the annoying habit of throwing my temper in my face:

Elijah makes me laugh, even when he doesn't mean to and is, in fact, trying to make me mad:

Can you tell that he's mad at Ethan for getting lots of attention?  No?  Well, that's what's going on in this picture.  He kept moving from room to room with the hamper on his head and then sitting down on the floor.  With the hamper on his head.  Here, he realized that I was taking a picture and didn't want to give me the satisfaction of taking his picture.  hee hee.  I win.

Ethan is cool.  And compassionate.  And the family hero of the day.


Ethan wants to be a conservationist when he grows up.  I'm not sure what he wants to conserve (I know it has something to do with the earth and us dirty humans messing it up [HIPPY!]), but he's all about recycling and being nice and doing good to other people.  He's pretty good at all of that.  He's also the reason we ever have Family Home Evening.  All he's missing is the white robes and harp in order to be our family shoulder angel.

A few weeks ago he came home from school and, in a very offhand manner, mentioned that he found some money on the sidewalk on the way home and had turned it in to the crossing guard.  Having once watched Ethan try to give a cashier a quarter he found on the ground because he KNEW someone was missing it,  I figured he probably found a dollar, maybe a fiver.  But, because that's STILL a good thing, I gave him a high five and told him I was proud of him.

Little did I know.

Ethan's principal called us today to tell us that Ethan was nominated for an award because he was honest and turned in the $877.   Also, that the award would be given to him at the next city council meeting. 

OK, so it was a little more than a fiver...

Apparently, it was some random woman's.  She was able to claim it by identifying the exact dollar amount and combination of bills.  I'm sure she was beyond relieved to find it.  I tear my hair out and look everywhere when I lose a twenty; if I lost that much I'd have a heart attack.  And lately, I lose pretty much everything I touch. 

I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF ETHAN.  If you are in our neck of the woods on April 20th, meet us in the city council room at 5:30 sharp.  You can see the world's best fourth grader in action.


  1. (Gabriel is SO STINKING CUTE.) Also, I think Olivia and Elijah are cut from the same fabric, or whatever that saying is. I could totally see her doing the hamper thing.
