I live in a frozen wasteland like unto Hoth, the location of the secret rebel base at the beginning of the Empire Strikes Back. (see? total geek here.) In case you doubt, I give you exhibit 1:
Elijah used to be my fellow desert rat. As you can see from exhibit 2, he has betrayed me:
This shouldn't have surprised me. He's always had Sith leanings. Witness: the lightsaber in the snow behind him. But, still...
This is my theory: there is a line drawn across the United States. After some discussion with my geography-wise husband, this is my representation of said line:
Every person wants to live on one side of the line and hates the weather on the other side. With a passion. If they find themselves living on the wrong side of the line (vacations don't count, you can do anything for a week or two), they whine like crazy (if only on the inside) about how lame and unbearable the weather is. Also, at some point, they will say to a native, "This isn't [hot/cold]! This is nothing! In [insert city or state here], it got [up to 120/down to negative 40] ALL THE TIME."
Since moving to Hoth, I've met several people from both sides of the line. They all have strong opinions about the sanity and/or toughness of people living on the other side of the line. I'm telling you, this nation is divided and it has nothing to do with democrat or republican. It's the weather, and there is NO convincing someone from the opposing side of the error of their ways. It's worse than arguing about health care.
So here's my declaration of party allegiance and final rant, and then I will go back to making the best of it: I AM A DESERT RAT. THE SNOW SUCKS. You should only need to wear socks because you are wearing tennis shoes, and that would clearly only happen when you are working out, because your feet don't need protection from the elements and SHOES ARE TOTALLY OPTIONAL. And the heaviest form of winter clothing you should ever have to buy is a sweatshirt. Maybe a jacket if it is cute and you're going for a look.
I think I'm going to go tanning...and try to working on loving the poor, misguided souls from above the line...
One last note. This is the proof you needed that Bella is INSANE and NOT a role model for young tween girls. She moved to Washington (or was it Oregon? I don't rememer) from Phoenix and the living on the wrong side of the line made her go crazy. This is why she fell for a controlling, manipulative pyscho like Edward (leaving the bloodsucking out of it) instead of the clearly more progressive and supportive Jacob (who deserves someone less whiny and codependent, and I doubt that the offspring of two emotionally challenged people will fill that bill).
That is all.
FREAK! Lost my internet connection again!
ReplyDeleteThanks for clearing the Hoth thing up. I will be able to fall asleep with ease tonight.
And why did you go to such great lengths to include Kentucky on our side of the red line? What's in Kentucky?
Sorry that you live in Logan. Try not to ditch Jon for a sexy yet controlling vampire. :)