Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Casey, this one's for you!

I missed Casey's birthday.  I suck.  So, as a gift JUST FOR HIM, I'm going to learn to play Wonderwall on the guitar.  And also the cello, so I can sing it with a kickin' vibratto, just for Monna.  (But obviously not at the same time.  Geez, guys, setting the bar a little high, don't ya think?)

I'm serious.  I already have the sheet music.  HEH! It's going to be JUST LIKE THIS. Only probably a lot slower at first.   And hopefully without the creepy circus freaks.

Monna and Casey, never say I didn't do anything for you.

As you were.

DJ, Manny, Jim, and Frank: you can just be grateful that you aren't on my radar.  heh.


  1. DJ's birthday is January 31st and he really likes Bruce Hornsby. Just giving you a heads up; his piano solos can be pretty tricky and you may want the practice time. You're welcome.

  2. I LOVE this song, by the way--BECAUSE of the creepy circus freaks.
